Clean Email: How To Clean Your eMails Step By Step with A Software
With the aid of Clean Email's robust, time-saving capabilities, you can rapidly organize and remove a large number of outdated emails, unsubscribe from newsletters, and automate your standard email duties, all while keeping your inbox spotless.
While protecting the security of your data and preserving your privacy, Clean Email enables you to manage your mailbox that is clogged with undesired and unopened emails more effectively. Use our email inbox cleaning software to clear up emails.
Take control of your mailbox with our email cleaner. Easy as 1, 2, 3.
Clean Email can arrange your mailbox into smart views using rules and filters, concentrating less on individual emails and streamlining email handling.
Email clean up
Your emails are grouped into simple-to-review bundles by Clean Email.
Emails that you'll probably want to clean up will be combined into Quick Clean and Smart Views like "Old emails" or "Emails from social networks." Then you can email Zen with only a click of a button. Instead of picking them out one by one, you may choose groups of emails to delete, archive, transfer, label, and more.
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Unsubscribe from emails with Unsubscriber
You may unsubscribe from undesired email lists that don't even contain an Unsubscribe link by using Clean Email to issue unsubscribe requests on your behalf and to ban mailing lists and senders that disobey such requests. Additionally, you may more effectively manage your subscriptions by selecting Read Later, Pause, or Keep Newest.
To ensure that newsletters and unwanted subscriptions do not arrive in your email, use "Unsubscriber."
Set up Auto Clean rules
You may automatically apply chosen rules and actions to emails that arrive in your mailbox by using Auto Clean. Consider archiving and marking all social network alerts as read, then reviewing your daily summary to see what you missed. alternatively, have emails that have a particular age automatically archived.
Set it and forget it by instructing Clean Email to carry out the desired activities automatically when cleaning.
Clean Email takes the work out of managing your mailbox.
We developed the finest method for clearing up your email inbox after listening to the opinions of hundreds of thousands of our users. If you want to attain Inbox Zero or just want to get rid of emails that are clogging up your mailbox, Clean Email might be of assistance.
Save Time
Emails may be combined into groups for easy examination, and repeated processes can be automated to lighten your strain. We make it simple to take action on a collection of emails by letting you delete, archive, or categorize them with just a few clicks.
Stay Organized
Use filters and rules to quickly and easily distinguish between critical emails and trash messages. Enable Auto Clean to automate your cleaning process and leave your regular email cleaning responsibilities to Clean Email.
Reduce Stress
Say good-bye to an overflowing inbox by unsubscribing from unnecessary emails and newsletters you never read, blocking undesirable email senders, and rapidly deleting old emails.
Use it anywhere
Any device and every email service provider, including Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, AOL, and your workplace email account, are compatible with Clean Email. Use it in conjunction with any email application, including Outlook, Apple Mail, Gmail App, and others. We support all of your preferred email services and apps, so you may keep using them.
For your work email
For employees at hundreds of firms you are familiar with, Clean Email streamlines email handling and saves time. You may also be confident that your data is secure since an impartial third party regularly audits our security.
For your school email
In more than 500 colleges worldwide, instructors, staff, and students utilize clean email to focus on critical emails and manage and prioritize all incoming mail.
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For your personal email
Many users depend on Clean Email to save time and keep their inboxes organized. In comparison to human cleaning, Clean Email saved hundreds of years by cleaning more than 1.5 billion emails in 2020.
Clean Email commitment to Security and Privacy
Your security and privacy are important to us at Clean Email. In other words, we don't hold, sell, or use your data for anything other than our open features. Read the whole Privacy Statement.
Clean Email is a transparent business.
It doesn't sell or keep your data.
Because we offer a reasonable price for our services, there is no advertising in our email cleaning application. Email addresses discovered in your mailbox, as well as email content and attachments, are not shared by Clean Email and will never be shared, given away, sold, or "anonymized." That is our pledge.
Minimum data, maximum security
Never download a whole email from Clean Email. Only the subject line, sender and recipient details, dates, email size, and similar metadata are examined by our algorithms in email headers. Email attachments and the body are not downloaded. For just 45 days are data saved.
Mailbox access on your terms
OAuth2 is a mechanism that Gmail employs to regulate access to your inbox. Clean Email has access to your mailbox that you may "grant" or "revoke" at any moment. The only operations involving our features are performed using all access tokens, which are all encrypted. Access tokens won't ever be given to outside parties. OAuth2 is not supported by iCloud, although Apple's "App-specific Passwords" feature can offer an extra level of protection. You may establish a unique password to be used just with Clean Email using App-Specific Passwords. Furthermore, it may be "revoked" at any moment.
Your credentials are encrypted
Information about mailbox access is encrypted. They are only used to scan your mailbox and carry out particular activities, and nobody at Clean Email has access to them.